MINI just launched its “Official MINI Facebook Page.” Huh? MINI, waited until the Fall of 2009 to join the Facebook community? That doesn’t sound right. Well it isn’t exactly correct. MINI has been on Facebook for quite awhile with their MINI USA fan page.
The MINI USA site has a significant amount of fans, 167,208 when I last looked. The new MINI fan page has 15,278. Why would MINI create a whole new “official” fan page out of thin air when it already had over a 160,000 fans on its very active U.S.A. site?
The obvious answer is that MINI is a global brand and the US team wanted to promote their marketing efforts separate from the global marketing team. But this doesn’t make a lot of sense when looking at other global brands like Ford, General Motors, Toyota, Hyundai, Honda… well just about everyone. Creating one brand fan page destination on Facebook makes a lot of sense, separating out the US site from the global site seems a bit foolish.
“Building a single corporate page instead, offers more meaningful ways to connect online… There are already so many fan pages on the site and some products even have multiple pages, making it difficult to tell a cohesive story about a brand,” reports Aarti Shah for PR Week.

More importantly, what about media campaigns to build fans or advertise the MINI brand on Facebook? I’d assume these efforts would bring users to the Official page and leave the USA page alone.

This was a very odd decision by a brand that usually gets it right. It will be interesting to see how the two sites co-exist on Facebook and if I’m right that the Official page will be where all the marketing dollars will drive to and if the USA site will eventually pale in comparison to the Official fan page. Either way, the MINI brand should have just converted their large fan community on the MINI USA page and transition it so the 160,000 fans would stay engaged in this latest Facebook effort by the brand.