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1982 Datsun 210
There really isn't much to say about this car as a car. It's not an interesting car, an exciting car or a rare car. There is nothing unusual about it.
The Datsun 210 was a huge seller back in its day. It was reliable, safe and useful. It was good, solid, basic transportation. Back then I knew a lot of people who drove one. None of them ever raved about the car unless the subject of reliability came up. (Which, given the cars I was driving 20 - 30 years ago, was a subject I avoided.)
This 1982 Datsun 210 has just 29,000 miles on it. It belonged to the seller's 84 year old mother. It doesn't look a lot different from when it was new.
The seller writes, "I have never seen one at any car shows that I have attended." I can say the same. I wonder of anyone even thinks about bringing a stock Datsun 210 to a show? Would anyone notice it? It's the kind of car that, if you're 40 years old or older, you probably wouldn't notice. There were so many around for such a long time, you tend to forget that most have been recycled into soup cans or Hyundais by now. If you're under 40, it's not a car of great interest. It's old-school basic transportation. You might have heard your mom and dad talk about one they owned - "It was the best car we ever had. It never failed to start and got 35 miles-per-gallon." - Ooooh, that's exciting.
My opening sentence was incorrect. This car is rare, unusual and interesting. It's rare and unusual not because few were made, not because it has unusual options (AM radio?), not because it's fast (it ain't), but because it still exists. It's interesting because it's a "type of car"...
The 210 is a type of car similar to one you might have owned, rode in, been brought home from the hospital in, maybe even conceived in. Nope, it's not exciting, but for most of us, a 210 - or a type of car like it - has somehow, some way, been a part of our lives.
This car does belong at some car shows. Let's hope the new owner preserves it and brings it to a few. If you see it, stop and look at it. It will more than likely bring back a memory of a time, a place, a person, or a story you heard. There's nothing wrong with that.
Located somewhere in Connecticut, click here to see the eBay listing.