KR Girls
Everyone loves the KR Girls! Besides the shows that we are renowned for, we regularly perform photoshoots for our demo cars, project cars, products, merchandise and for general promotion. Here are some past shows and photoshoots…
Michelle and Zoe at Japshow 2010
Meesha at Modified Nationals 30th May 2010
Michelle and Jen at JTS Silverstone 23rd May 2010
Zoe at PTM Santa Pod 9th May 2010
Zoe – Knight-Racer’s GTR twins photoshoot
Meesha & Jenni at JDM Allstars Manchester 17th April 2010
Nat and Meesha at ISTS Silverstone 11th April 2010
Jenni and Meesha at Fast Show Santa Pod 21st March 2010