This is a car that doesn't look or perform like a 21 year old car.
The 300ZX Twin Turbo has a twin turbo 300 HP 6 cylinder engine in it. It gets the car to 60 MPH in the 5 to 6 second range. That was incredible in 1990 and still impressive today. It's top speed is limited at 155 MPH.

While the 300ZX Twin Turbo doesn't look or perform like a 21 year old car, they are old cars and many show the scars of their age. This one does not.

For a long time you could pick up a 300ZX Twin Turbo for relativity little money. That's starting to change. This one, with 4 days left to go in the auction, has been bid up to $15,000.00 by 4 separate bidders. It will be interesting to see what it finally sells for.

A big thanks to JaCG reader, Saro, for sending me the link to this car!