This is one of those cars that could have only happened in Italy. The body is from Pininfarina, the engine from OSCA and most everything else from Fiat. It was badged and sold as the Fiat 1500, but most people, in order to distinguish it from the later Fiat 1500, call it the Fiat 1500 OSCA.
The roots of this car go back to 1955 and the Fiat 1100 TV. A few years after its introduction, Fiat hired Pininfarina to create a new body for the 1100 TV. Fiat increased the engine displacement and the resulting car was the Fiat 1200 Cabriolet (Spider). Fiat was looking for an upmarket version of the 1200 so they hired OSCA, owned by the Maserati brothers, to design a high-performance engine for the Spider.
The engine was designed by OSCA, but it was built by Fiat. It is a unique engine, sharing little, if any, parts with other Fiat engines. It also found its way into some OSCA produced cars.

Very importantly, all of the trim is with the car and in good shape.

This is a car you could buy today, spend your winter weekends restoring it and have a really nice car next year. Or, you could drive it as is for awhile, have your fun now and put off the restoration for another few years. I love cars that give you choices.

A big thanks to Tony for sending me the link to this car.