There is not a lot written about this car, but from what I can tell, it was inspired by an article in the Italian car magazine, "Quattroruote". The car was a replica of the 1930s 1750 Gran Sport, but used a 4 cylinder engine instead of a 6 used in the original car.
Alfa commissioned Zagato to build this car. They had planned to build and sell 100 of them, but just 92 were built.

This is not my type of car, but I just find this fascinating. Imagine if car companies did this today. Think of all the great cars you'd love to see built "new" again by their original manufacturer. (All of the various regulations in place today would prevent that from ever happening, but Nissan came close to doing it in the late 1990s. They purchased original 1969 - 1972 240Zs and had them restored to original factory specs. They then sold them through dealerships - with a warranty - for around $25,000.00. It was an absolutely brilliant idea.)