This 142 is a one owner, manual transmission car. It looks to be in very nice condition.
Fans of old Volvos will consider this a low mileage car. It has "just" 190,000 miles on it.
Located in Theodore, AL, click here to see the eBay listing.

This one is located in Canada. The seller doesn't give a lot of information, but it appears to be in good condition. Being a 1972 vehicle, importing it into the US would be easy.
The asking price is 5850.00 Canadian, which is about $6100.00 US.
Located in Saint-Luc, Quebec, Canada, click here to see the Kijiji ad.
A big thanks to JaCG reader, Rocky, for sending me the link to this car!

The T5 features a turbocharged, intercooled 2.3 liter 5 cylinder engine. It puts out 222 horsepower. That's up from the standard GLT's 190, but less then the R's 240. Its 0 - 60 time was in the low 7 second range.
The 850 was not as trouble free or reliable as earlier Volvos, but with regular maintenance you can easily get over 200K miles from them. This one has 142K on it.
Located in Sebastopol, CA, click here to see the Craigslist ad.

This America is in remarkably good condition for an unrestored car. The only real downside to this car is the automatic transmission. It's trouble prone and makes an already slow car even slower.
Located in Hanover, PA, click here to see the Craigslist ad. (The seller leaves a link in the ad for more pictures, but it doesn't work. This link will get you to the pictures.)
Below is a picture (the only picture) of my Austin America. It was taken shortly after its arrival at the body shop. It was in better shape than the picture makes it look. (Behind it is the Alfa Romeo Milano I owned at the time.)