The Lexus Superwoman Emerges, Sans Leather?

I received an email from Lexus promoting their all new GX SUV with a leather-clad urban shopping mall mom ready to do battle. Unfortunately, the website experience was disconnected from the campaign (learn more on this blog post.) Well fortunately Lexus has debuted a TV commercial that is connected to the GX campaign.

In the ad, a woman swerves heroically around an urban environment with her "precious cargo" in back - her two sons - "because every great action hero needs a vehicle." The ad ends with a Batman-like spotlight of the Lexus logo against a dark city skyline.

The TV commercial is at least aligned with the campaign idea, but what happened to the leather? In the commercial, we get an attractive brunette 40-year old who reminds me of Weeds star Mary-Louise Parker. Someone must have throttled the super hero image back a bit for the TV crowd. Lexus must have decided to look into the showroom and found heir customers wear a more sedate outfit.

At least the messaging is inline with the campaign concept and really the campaign is pretty decent for a shopping mall luxury SUV. What else are you going to say to make driving a big, fuel-guzzling SUV sexy and interesting? You definitely are not going to be climbing through mud or driving to the mountains. This is about making a trip to the kid's soccer game seem exciting and the soundtrack certainly helps.